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Before you start reading this blog, keep in mind this isnt a tutorial, these are personal notes about analysing heap source code, you most likey not going to understand anything here its just messy, you better off reading other blogs about heap than this, thanks.



tcache (thread local caching) introduced on glibc 2.26 the purpose of adding this is improving preformance
each thread is allocated with its own tcache struct, it behaves like a normal arena but isnt shared between threads
all tcache chunks are saved as tcache_entry as a linked list
c typedef struct tcache_entry { struct tcache_entry *next; /* This field exists to detect double frees. */ uintptr_t key; } tcache_entry; a single tcache entry looks like this
c typedef struct tcache_perthread_struct { char counts[TCACHE_MAX_BINS]; tcache_entry *entries[TCACHE_MAX_BINS]; } tcache_perthread_struct; this struct hold up to 64 sizes of bins but hold 7 bins on single cell
tcache only holds sizes from 0x20 to 0x410
tcaches are similar to fast bins, singly linked lists with a specific size
Note that tcache entries use pointers to user data rather than chunk metadata.

fast bins

there are 10 fast bins holding sizes from 32 to MAX_FAST_SIZE (80 * sizeof(size_t) / 4) "including metadata"
all these bins are single linked lists so addition and deletion is LIFO

small bins

62 small bins, small bins are faster than large bins but slower than fastbins
They are doubly linked lists, Insertions happen at the head while removal happens at the tail {FIFO}

large bins

63 large bins, the slowest of bins
doubly linked list
store ranges of sizes sorted in decreasing order (largest chunk at head to the smallest at tails)


1 unsorted bins -> 62 small bins -> 63 large bins



MAYBE_INIT_TCACHE() [malloc.c:3276]
checks if tcache is null
if not
calls tcache_init()

PROTECT_PTR(pos, ptr) [malloc.c:339]
return (pos >> 12) ^ ptr

REVEAL_PTR(tcache_entry *ep) [malloc.c:331]
PROTECT_PTR(&ep, ep);


void unlink_chunk(mstate av, mchunkptr p) [malloc.c:1608]

starts by verifying the integrity of the chunk by checking the size of the current chunk and next_chunk->prev_size
checks next chunk bk == p and back chunk fd == p
unlink the chunk by removing its ptrs
fd->bk = p->bk
bk->fd = p->fd
if chunk is from large bin
same shenanigans happens here quick checks on the integrity of the large bin

void malloc_consolidate(mstate av) [malloc.c:4810]

malloc_consolidate is a specialized version of free() that tears
down chunks held in fastbins. Free itself cannot be used for this
purpose since, among other things, it might place chunks back onto
fastbins. So, instead, we need to use a minor variant of the same
gets a ptr of unsorted bins
iterates over fast bins
iterates over the selected fast bin
- checks if the current chunk is aligned
- checks if the current chunk's size equals the bin's size
- checks if the current chunk is not in use
- reveals the chunk's fd calling it next_p
now we must consolidate p with next_p
- size = chunk size
- next_chunk = p + size
- nextsize = next_chunk size
the function checks if the previous chunk is not in use using PREV_INUSE flag
- prevsize = p->prev_size
- p = p - prev_size
this is literally accessing the chunk before the current chunk
- check p chunk's size with next_size
- call unlink_chunk(av, p)
- then puts the result in unsorted bin

void alloc_perturb(char *p, size_t n) [malloc.c:1983]

check if pertrub_byte is enabled
memsets p with pertub_byte ^ 0xff

void *_int_malloc (mstate av, size_t bytes) [malloc.c:3845]

this is what i would call the meat of malloc
starts by checking the alignement of the requested bytes
if the arena ptr is NULL
it requests more memory using sysmalloc
if the size falls in the fastbin range
- gets the index of fast bin range using fastbin_index macro
- using that idx int_malloc calls fast_bin(av, idx) to get a pointer getting
the right size bin
if there is a chunk in the bin that could be served we will call that chunk victim
- checks if the victim addr is aligned
- reveal the victim's fd ptr and sets it as the first chunk in fastbin
- checks the size of the victim if it matches the bin it belongs in
- do some quick checks using do_check_remalloced_chunk()
tcache integration
while we're here lets see if there's other chunks of the same size and store them in tcache
func gets tcache_idx based on the size of the fastbin
if tcache != NULL and the tc_idx is smaller than tcache_bins max size
while tcache isn't full and fastbin isn't empty
- check the alignement of the chunk in fst bin
- remove it from fast_bin
- insert it to tcache using tcache_put
- convert the victim from chunk to mem
- call alloc_perturb(char *p, size_t n)
- return the usable memory to the user
well not lucky? your chunk not found in fastbin
small bin
if the size falls on smallbin range
- get index
- get the first bin using the index
- victim = last chunk in the bin
if the victim doesnt the address of the bin "malloc_init sets every bin using its address"
if victim->bk->fd != victim
well you fucked up
- set inuse bit
- first_chunk in small_bin = vict
neither fast/small/tcache can't serve back the request what if we have the ability to serve it but
the chunks are so divided, we must consolidate'em all
idx is filled with the convinient large bin index
if (av have fast_bins)
call malloc_consolidate(av)

unsorted bins
infinite loop
iterates over unsorted chunks
quick checks to make sure thath the chunk is alright
- check if the chunk's size of bigger than system_mem "the limit of a non mmaped chunk"
- also checks the next chunk if its bigger than system_mem
- check the next chunk's fd if it matches the current chunk
- check if the prev in use of next is set to true
if the size of the requested chunk falls in smallbin range
and the selected chunk unsorted chunk is the last remainder chunk
and unsorted chunk's size > requested size
split the chunk and reattach the remainder
large bin

void tcache_get_n (size_t tc_idx, tcache_entry *ep) [malloc.c:3174]

checks if the given ep equals the address of &(tcache->entries[tc_idx])
if no it REVEAL_PTR(*ep)
then checks if the chunk is aligned
if ep == &(tcache->entries[tc_idx])
decrements the cache count and sets the key for the tcache to 0
then returns the free chunk

void *tcache_get (size_t tc_idx) [malloc.c:3197]

tcache_get takes the indexes the chunk and calls tcache_get_n

void tcache_init(void); [malloc.c:3242]

locks the arena using arena_get
allocates a tcache_perthread_struct using _int_malloc
unlocks the arena
sets tcache global variable to the recently allocated tcache_perthread_struct
and memsets it with zeros

static void malloc_init_state (mstate av) [malloc.c:1940]

the function starts by filling the bins with the address of the bins
if (not main_arena)
sets its flag as noncontiguous
if (main_arena)
then set the max_fast_bin size
sets have fastchunks to false

uint32_t random_bits(void) [include/random-bits.h]

__clock_gettime64 (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tv);
ret = nanosec ^ sec;
ret ^= ret << 24 | ret >> 8;

void tcache_key_initialize (void) [malloc.c:3140]

gets random bytes using random_bits
if libc 32bit
sets tcache_key to rim->bk
- victim->bk = fd
basically just removing the node from the circular list
if av != &main_arena
set non main_arena bit
remember tcache integration
repeat same code here
- convert the victim to usable memory
- call alloc_perturb()
- return the usable memory

void tcache_get_n (size_t tc_idx, tcache_entry *ep) [malloc.c:3174]

checks if the given ep equals the address of &(tcache->entries[tc_idx])
if no it REVEAL_PTR(*ep)
then checks if the chunk is aligned
if ep == &(tcache->entries[tc_idx])
decrements the cache count and sets the key for the tcache to 0
then returns the free chunk

void *tcache_get (size_t tc_idx) [malloc.c:3197]

tcache_get takes the indexes the chunk and calls tcache_get_n

void tcache_init(void); [malloc.c:3242]

locks the arena using arena_get
allocates a tcache_perthread_struct using _int_malloc
unlocks the arena
sets tcache global variable to the recently allocated tcache_perthread_struct
and memsets it with zeros

static void malloc_init_state (mstate av) [malloc.c:1940]

the function starts by filling the bins with the address of the bins
if (not main_arena)
sets its flag as noncontiguous
if (main_arena)
then set the max_fast_bin size
sets have fastchunks to false

uint32_t random_bits(void) [include/random-bits.h]

__clock_gettime64 (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tv);
ret = nanosec ^ sec;
ret ^= ret << 24 | ret >> 8;

void tcache_key_initialize (void) [malloc.c:3140]

gets random bytes using random_bits
if libc 32bit
sets tcache_key to random_bits
sets tcache to (tcache_key << 32) | random_bits

void ptmalloc_init (void) [arena.c:262]

sets __malloc_initialized to true
if (tcache is used)
calls tcache_key_initialize()
proceeds to set some mtag tunables
sets the thread_arena to main_arena
calls malloc_init_state(&main_arena)
now the main_arena is initialized the function continues to get other tunables [mmap_max, arena_max, tcache_max...]
if mp_.hqpagesize > 0
set mmapthreshold to hq_pagesize
this condition is set to force mmap for main arena instead of sbrk

void *__libc_malloc (size_t bytes) [malloc.c:3293]

checks if malloc is initialized using __malloc_initialized global var
if (NO):
calls ptmalloc_init();
if tcache
checks if the request is gonna overflow when aligned and returns an
index for tcache
if (yes)
set errno to ENOMEM
return (NULL)
calculates the index of chunk in tcache
calls MAYBE_INIT_TCACHE() to init the tcache
In case tcache was never initialized now its locked and loaded
if the request could fit in a tcache list and that list contains free nodes
call tcache_get()
return the free chunk
malloc locks the heap
calls _int_malloc(malloc_state, bytes)